Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why Is God So Hard To Find?

The Existence of God, to man, is like the indisputable fact that the sun rises, to a blind man.  The blind man cannot see the sun rise for himself, but only hears of it from those who have witnessed it.
    How do you convince a blind man, who was born into the darkness of night, to believe that the sun rises? You can't, he can only believe it for himself. How do you convince someone, who was born into the darkness of sin, to believe in God?
    Only the blind man who is searching for the sunrise, and is truly seeking understanding, will feel the morning’s first rays of warmth on his upturned face.
    As only the sun can prove its existence to a blind man, so can only God prove his existence to a man who does not see him; but he will only if the man is seeking him. It is too easy to take such things for granted that we see every day, but don't attribute to existence.