Sunday, December 18, 2011

Santa Claus

Santa: A symbol of what humanity should struggle for; self-sacrifice, good will towards men, and Glad tidings to all. The idealism that humanity can overcome its greedy self-serving attitude.

          Most, if not all, children are taught to believe in Santa. Faith like a child is a well-known fact. The children know their parents would never lie to them.

          But, as we grow up, we find that it is the mind of the delusional who holds to such fabricated fantasies. If we were lied to about Santa, what else could we have been deceived about; Tooth Fairy, Ester Bunny, -- God?

          We have undermined our own ability to believe absolutely. In the back of our sub-conscious minds, we can no longer fully trust in a childlike faith.  

          God may prevent Satan from influencing children, maybe not, but Satan doesn’t need to dominate the children. The parents do the will of Satan for him. Satan is the deceiver, the liar; and while we know it, we choose to overlook, that he is smarter than we mortals are. 

          God gave us laws. And, for those who rebel against laws, he gave parables. And, for those who are too literal for parables he gave warnings. And, for those who take all of that as foolish over dramatization, he gave us the vision of the future. Yet, with all of this, we still do not heed his words. We are like moths drawn to the flames of hell. 

Jesus says clearly that it would be better to tie an anchor around our neck and be drown in the ocean than to lead a child astray. Even the seemingly harmless magic of Santa, is deceiving—lying. Great evil always strikes at the vulnerable targets. Who is more defenseless than our children. 

Proverbs teaches that a wise man makes himself better to help others become better, but a fool lives only to die. The way of the fool seems right to him, but a wise man seeks counsel. We all too often seek our own counsel, or the other easy path—following the rest of the lemmings off the cliff.

My six year old son pointed out to me a fact that I cannot deny. I am a bad parent. 

Son: “I’m afraid to sleep in my bed because of the aliens.”

Dad: “There are no such things as aliens, but if they were real God would protect you from them.”

Son: “God isn’t real. The aliens and zombies are.”

Ouch, what have I done. The schools, TV, and the rest of the world have been doing my job—wrong. Proverbs 22:6Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Another instance just tonight. We were watching the 1994 Miracle on 34th Street and someone said Santa isn’t real. Instantly my six year old says’ “He is real.”

I had to think about it for a while. There are so many movies about Santa, and how the parents don’t believe in him, and no later than the end of the movie, everyone believes. Even Christian movies don’t show God himself when proving the existence of God through the story. 

I don’t know the answers. The Amish seem to be just as messed up as the rest of us. I guess I will have to trust that God has a plan, and no matter how bad I mess things up, as long as I am doing his will, he will make it work.

Santa: A hope for humanity, and its giving up on self-destructive behavior; or a carefully constructed plan to weaken the ability of man to believe in the divine authority of the invisible creator?

FYI, Nicolas is one of Satan’s names. Saint Nicolas= Saint Devil.

Santa or Satan. 

Jolly old Saint Nick. Old Nick: A well-known British name of the Devil.

Kriss Kringle A US name for Santa Claus derived from the German Christkindl (little Christ child).

If Satan’s want is power and to be god, then what better way than to impersonate Christ through children’s greatest love—Santa Clause. Everything about Santa Claus can be found in the Bible—describing Jesus.

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